Fill out the form below to enroll with Sargas patient care, a patient-support program. S.P.A.C. International will provide frequent communications and tools to help you manage your therapy. In addition to the information already provided by your health care team, you'll also have access to a registered clinically trained staff who can provide you with information regarding your treatment.
I verify that the information provided in this enrollment form is current, complete, and accurate. I understand S.P.A.C. International reserves the right at any time, and without notice, to modify or discontinue the Sargas patient care Program with respect to any patient (including me), or to modify or discontinue the program entirely.
I authorize the Sargas patient care Program to use and obtain my protected health information from my prescribing physician, insurance company, specialty pharmacy and other sources as deemed necessary to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this enrollment form, to provide services to me, and to otherwise administer the Sargas patient care Program.
I acknowledge that I am a legal resident of the United States. I authorize my healthcare providers, insurance companies, and specialty pharmacies to use and disclose to S.P.A.C. international, the Sargas patient care Program and their authorized agents and assignees, all medical records and financial information with respect to my treatment, my eligibility for assistance, the coordination of my treatment (and the receipt of my medication), and my participation in the Sargas patient care Program for the purposes of providing services to me and otherwise administering the program. I understand that my healthcare providers and insurance company will not modify my medical treatment, payment for treatment, insurance enrollment, or eligibility for insurance benefits on my signing of this authorization. I understand, however, that if I do not sign this authorization, I will not be eligible to enroll in the Sargas patient care Program.
If I do not wish to receive information related to my medication (or any related products or services) or to be contacted occasionally for market research purposes, I may call the Sargas patient care Program's phone number (661) 320-4477 during business hours.